Barnfind One fiber – All signals

Signal transport multiplexing conversion routing

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Europe/HQ  |  USA  |  China


Barnfind One fiber – All signals

Signal transport multiplexing conversion routing

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Europe/HQUSA  |  China


Our Products

Barnfind’s powerful capabilities

– we make your fiber optical solution easier

Designed with professional audiovisual applications in mind, BARNFIND offers various product profiles to suit the industry’s ever-expanding needs.

From sophisticated BarnOne frames that can route, monitor, signal convert, distribute, and multiplex pro-A/V signals, to the simple and robust BarnMini series that enables the collection of various signals from a production stage or sport events,

Are your video cameras too far away or there are too many cables between your remote production locations, BARNFIND has the products that will optimize this.

BARNFIND offers all the equipment needed to construct dependable and robust fiber optical transport solutions. Unique products compatible with the world you live in!


Signal transport


Signal multiplexing


Signal conversion


Signal routing

The BarnFind Logo with some of our target market areas around it

The most advanced features in the market.

Barnfind Technologies AS, headquartered in Sandefjord, Norway, manufactures a multi-function signal transmission platform that supports numerous signals in one frame, including video, audio and data formats. Barnfind’s amazing optical signal transport equals robust capabilities, with power efficiency for virtually all Audio and Video applications!

In-Depth Understanding of Customer Needs

Achieving product excellence begins with detailed user insight. Understanding the application and what our customers need is the ultimate information source for new product development.

Solid Product Value Proposition

A combination of features, functions and benefits that fit the job like a glove while providing flexibility for the customers’ application is a necessity in our industry.


Dependable/Reliable Hardware

Over-engineering tolerances while staying under cost-control never harmed anyone and it is an absolute necessity when designing infrastructure equipment.

Empowered Customer Support

User experience is important for us. On top of standard warranty, dedicated customer support personnel will ensure that all supports requests to be responded at firsthand.

Our latest news & updates.

Bat out of Hell uses Barnfind Solutions

Bat out of Hell uses Barnfind Solutions

October 2018London, UK — October 11, 2018 – The musical production of Jim Steinman’s Bat out of Hell is relying on Barnfind solutions to keep its workflow flexible. The show, winner of Best Musical at the Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2017, opened in 2017 at Manchester’s Palace Theatre and has...

Hangzhou Asian Games – 2023

Hangzhou Asian Games – 2023

September 2023 Hangzhou, China September 2023 — The Hangzhou Asian Games, the largest and most comprehensive sports event in Asia, kicked off with a bang at its spectacular opening ceremony. This grand event showcased the seamless integration of advanced technology across all aspects of the Games,...

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